5 Reasons To Use A Professional Real Estate Photographer

5 Reasons To Use A Professional Real Estate Photographer

First impressions matter when it comes to selling property. It’s likely that your listing will be on the internet when buyers see it for the first time. You need more than great photos to ensure that your listing gets the most traffic. Video, 3D tours and reels are great ways to grab a buyer’s interest. It is a must to hire a professional photographer when selling your home. This can make a huge difference.

High-quality images and media are worth the extra work and can help sell the home faster, attract multiple offers and give the home seller more money at closing. The days of realtors using their mobile phones to sell homes overnight are long gone. Real estate photography is crucial for realtors to set themselves apart from other professionals and showcase their property in the best light.

Here are five reasons why real estate photographers are so important to a real estate agent.

1. Sell your home faster

Faster sales are a result of professional photos. 97% of buyers used the Internet to search for a home. The first impression that people have of your listing when they start their search for a home online is crucial. The photos are the first impression that the buyer has of your home and they help to support the price. A good video and photos can help buyers get a better feel for the property, and are more likely to make an offer. According to a study conducted by the Wall Street Journal, listings with professional photographs received 61% more views compared to those without.

Real estate agents can improve their online visibility by using real estate photos. Real estate photography can be used to engage buyers, generate interest and increase traffic on websites and social media pages. A general rule is that the greater the visibility of a property the better the chances of it selling quickly. One study showed that listings with professional photographs spent on average 10 days less than those without.

Professional photos can help agents to get better results with clients. Quality real estate photos show buyers that agents are serious about their job and provide them with images that accurately represent the beauty of the property. It is especially useful when capturing upscale properties, which require special attention. Agents who hire real estate photographers report increased demand and higher prices for their listings.

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2. A higher price point

Listings with professionally taken photos tend to sell for more money. Better representation will increase traffic, making the listing more attractive. A great picture can make people fall for the house before they even step inside. It will stop the scrolling more than anything else. If the photos don’t reflect this, then buyers won’t even bother to look at your home online. A great presentation of photos, videos and 3D tours is a great way to convince potential buyers that the price was worth it. It is often better to get a good view of the home in the photos than slapping a new coat of paint on the walls. I’ve seen beautiful homes with all the trimmings. I’m talking about beautiful tile work, gourmet cooking, and the works. But it all goes to waste if it’s not presented in the right light.

According to Redfin, homes that have been professionally photographed command 47 percent more per square foot.

A real estate photographers’ job is to showcase the most desirable features of a property, like its spacious rooms, stunning views or luxurious finishes. A good photographer knows what kind of photos will attract buyers, and which angles can increase curb appeal, and hopefully, the price.

3. Raise the visibility of your brand

Every listing is an opportunity to elevate your brand as an agent. It’s important to me that I repeat this because it is so true.

Each listing represents a branding opportunity.

How you market your homes is important. What you do to market those homes matters. Your previous work will be your best resume to future clients. Sellers will evaluate you on the basis of your recent sales and how you worked with your previous clients. Smart agents take advantage of each listing opportunity to show what they can do for their future clients.

A professional photographer can help you create better marketing materials. You will be able to use high-quality images in your marketing material, including your website and brochures. You can also use these photos for online advertisements and social media postings to increase the visibility of the property online. Real estate photography can be used to engage buyers, increase interest, and promote the property on websites, listings, and social media. Real estate photography will help make your real estate postcards and flyers more engaging. You can reach out to your audience more effectively and maximize your real estate advertising efforts.

4. More tools at your disposal

A professional photographer can bring multiple tools in order to showcase the house. They have everything they need. From wide-angle lenses to drones to floor plans to video, the photographer will ensure that those unique features of the home are presented in their best light. Post-processing is a time-consuming process that is spent to get the right edits. It is important to be able to showcase a property from different angles to attract the attention of potential buyers. Real estate photographers are able to capture the best features of a property, whether it’s the perfect angle for highlighting its exterior or interior, as well as its fixtures and landscaping.

There isn’t really a school of photography or business model that is geared towards realtors. These photographers are all self-taught perfectionists with a passion for taking beautiful photos. They practice, perfect, and learn continuously. Each photographer’s kit is unique and expensive.

All of that equipment and expertise is at the disposal of a real estate agent when they hire a real estate photographer. At that point, their only task is to make sure the agent and property look great. A good photographer will have a plan for how to achieve this. The twilight images should catch the eye of the viewer as they scroll. The teaser video should make the viewer click on it to find out more. The video should make people feel emotionally attached to the location. The 3D tour will help the viewer visualize the size of the family room and the floor plan will confirm that the couch is indeed going to fit. These photo features bring the whole story of the house to the market.

real estate agent showing a home

5. You have better things to do

Real estate agents have more important things to do. They’re better off paying a professional photographer for several reasons. Over the years, we’ve seen many agents make the mistake of skipping this essential step to selling a home. One of the biggest myths is that anyone can take good photos with a cell phone or fancy camera. This is simply not true.

Even if an agent is well-equipped, they may not have the experience to post-process photos as effectively as a professional. I’d take the phone skills of a professional over an agent with the best camera every time. The composition and experience of the photographer behind the camera is more important than the equipment. The technical expertise required to get the most out of any camera or lens combination can be immense. No matter how good an amateur is at photography, it will be hard to compete with an experienced professional. They know exactly when and how to take the perfect shot.

After the photo shoot, you will have to put in a lot more work to make your photos really stand out. It takes a lot of time and effort to do this. I think that agents should spend their time doing what they are best at – connecting with buyers, marketing listings and closing deals. It’s for this reason that clients hire agents in the first place. Agents should not try to become master photographers overnight anymore than they should try and stage the home themselves. Instead, they should rely on those with the technical and experience to show off properties in a manner that will set them apart from their competition.

In conclusion

Real estate photography can be a powerful tool for realtors who want to show off their properties and increase their chances of selling. Real estate photography is a great way to showcase the best features of a property, improve online visibility and enhance real estate marketing materials. If you are a realtor who wants to be noticed in the market, invest in real estate photos today. You’re more likely to make money if you invest in marketing and your brand, rather than cutting corners and losing money on price reductions.